The Best Cafe to Work From in Pontevedra

Below you will find a list of the best coffee shops with free and fast WiFi in Pontevedra, Spain. A hand-picked list of the best cafes to work remotely from.

The average internet speed of cafes in Pontevedra is 24 Mbps. This download speed was collected from 1 different cafes and 1 unique check-ins by real members of our community.

The cafes are ranked by the speed of the WiFi connection, their workability, and popularity. Rest assured, the coffee shops have free WiFi access for all customers. You are allowed to open your laptop and work from these cafes. Make sure to support the company by buying a cup of coffee or something else from their menu every now and then.

  • 1. Café Moderno Afundación Pontevedra

    Praza de San Xosé, 3

    🤫 Quiet place
    ☕️ Good coffee
    🪑 Comfy seats
    Internet speed
    24 Mbps
    8 Mbps
    1 speed test
    Rated 3.9 out of 5 by 35 people on Google

The results are updated regularly, check back later for new and updated coffee shops. Please contact us if you think we have made mistakes or if you have any tips and suggestions.

You can contribute to the list by logging in, checking in by running a WiFi speed test and submitting information about the place you are visiting.