The Best Coworking Spaces in Lisboa

The top results below are the best coworking spaces in Lisboa, Portugal, based on user-supplied information. The users who submitted the information are all digital creatives such as developers, designers, writers, marketers, and more.

Coworking spaces are shared working spaces where you can work as an individual or with your company. Entree usually requires a monthly subscription but this can also be daily or weekly depending on the space. Reasons for going to a coworking space are to connect with like-minded people and meeting rooms that you can book. An office space that is neat and taken care of, has all the office utilities, and is supplied with infinite coffee.

The coworking spaces we have listed are sorted by WiFi download and upload speed. The rating on Google, popularity and user recommendations of the space.


Even though the coworking spaces are tested, reviewed, and submitted by real people. We suggest visiting a couple of the mentioned spaces. Most coworking spaces have a trial that allows you to work at the place for free for a day.